
Established in 2012 by Eleanor Hudson, Toulouse Osteopaths are a team of over 35 years of experience, who love osteopathy and what it can do to help you get back to doing what you love most!

We are caring and friendly professionals, qualified in osteopathy and other complimentary skills. We treatment a wide range of conditions to help you at any stage of your life (see Services).

Our aim is to work with you, providing personalised treatment and exercises to help you to a long-term solution. Above all, we love what we do and have limitless enthusiasm to continually learn and help you.

Here are some questions and answers that you may find helpful. If there is anything else you wish to know that you can’t find on this website then please get in touch using any method on our Contact page.

  • Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body, and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.

    To an osteopath, for your body to work well, its structure must also work well. So osteopaths work to restore your body to a state of balance. Osteopaths use gentle touch; articulation; stretching and massage to increase the mobility of joints, to relieve muscle tension and restore the blood and nerve supply to tissues in order to help your body’s innate healing mechanisms.

    Postural and exercise advice to aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring is also an important part of our osteopathic approach to your health.

  • At your first Consultation your Osteopath will greet you in the waiting room and invite you in to their private treatment room.

    There your osteopath will go through a detailed medical history including the current problem as well as any previous injuries, illnesses and operations you may have had. You may think some of the questions are irrelevant to what you have come to see us about, however this information allows us to build a total picture of you, your health and your lifestyle. This helps us form a treatment plan and may also provide clues as to factors that are creating barriers to your own natural healing. Problems with one area of your body can create changes elsewhere.

    A detailed case history also allows us to identify if there are any treatment techniques less suitable for you or your condition.

    If considered appropriate we will then ask you to undress down to your underwear. If you are not comfortable to undress down to your underwear, we suggest wearing or bringing comfortable modest clothing such as shorts or loose-fitting tops that will allow us to examine your spine, posture and movements easily.

    Your osteopath will ask you to go through some simple movements and will use their hands to feel your muscles, spine and other joints for tone, tightness and mobility.

    We will also perform any relevant clinical tests such as assessing your reflexes and taking your blood pressure amongst others.

    Your osteopath will take the time to explain their findings from the examination and provide you with your treatment plan.

    We aim to make sure that when you leave at the end of your appointment, you have a good understanding of your current state of health and how we can help you.

    And we are always happy to answer further questions that may pop up between appointments, by e-mail or telephone, so please do get in touch should you wish to have more information.

  • Subsequent consultations will look to expand on the initial consultation.

    You will be asked how your condition has been in the interim period.

    Questions will be asked to gather any further information needed as well as any further or repeated clinical tests and examinations.

    Your osteopath will ask you to remove some of your clothing to enable us to better assess and treat your spine, joints and muscles, so please wear clothing you feel comfortable in and allow us to move and treat you.

    There is usually more time for treatments in these consultations and often some specific exercises or advice may be suggested.

  • The initial consultation:

    €75 ( + 4 years old )

    €65 ( Babies & infants, 0-3 years old )

    Follow up treatments:

    70 € ( + 4 years old)

    €60 ( Babies & infants , 0-3 years old )

    Please be advised that payment must be made on the day of the appointment.

    Payment by either cash or card or cheque.

    Please allow 24h notice for cancellations.

    For patients with Private Health Insurance please see the Health Insurance question

  • The French social security system “sécurité sociale” does not currently reimburse osteopathic treatment.

    Many “mutuelles” (insurance companies) do reimburse osteopathic treatment. If you click on this link, you will find a regularly updated list of mutuelles which reimburse osteopathy as well as the conditions and amount of refund.

  • We regularly refer our patients to well qualified, good local Pilates and Yoga instructors.

    Pilates looks at using exercise to help develop ‘core’ strength and in doing so helps initially strengthen postural muscles and then the prime movement muscle to allow you to carry out whatever physical activity you are trying to achieve. Within this there is often some flexibility work.

    Yoga also looks to achieve similar results using various body postures. These postures specifically target various muscles and joints to enable them to be flexible and strong.

    Both Pilates and Yoga can compliment our treatments and we can refer you to local providers if you so desire.